As part of its 40th anniversary celebrations, BARTG announced the BARTG PSK31 Award.

Then Chairman Arthur Bard, G1XKZ, said, “In our 40th anniversary year it is extremely pleasing to launch an award which looks to the future of ham radio data comms. Promoting new forms of ham radio data comms was the reason why BARTG was first formed and I am sure that BARTG’s founders will be pleased to see that, forty years on, BARTG is still at the forefront of ham radio data comms.”

“As far as we know this BARTG award is the first ever award, worldwide, for the newest data comms mode in ham radio – PSK31. This mode, developed by Peter Martinez, G3PLX, really is growing in popularity day by day as more and more countries are to be found on the mode.”

The rules are very simple:

This award is available to licensed amateurs and SWLs on the submission of satisfactory proof of having heard/ worked 40 ARRL DXCC countries using only the PSK31 mode. Contacts for this award are valid from 0001z on January 1, 1999, onwards and contacts on any amateur band are eligible.

No crossband or crossmode contacts are allowed, and there are no single band endorsements, or total updates after 40.

Applications for this award may be made by either of the following methods:

Submission of QSL cards for the countries being claimed. These are returned after checking. Alternatively, photocopies of these QSL cards are acceptable. Such copies must clearly show both sides if applicable, both callsigns, and establish beyond any doubt that a two-way PSK31 contact took place.

Submission of a check-list containing the log extracts for the countries being claimed. Such information should include date, time, band, mode and callsign, etc. This list together with the relevant QSL cards should be examined by the Awards Manager of a national radio society, or by TWO officers of a recognised radio club/society. The signed check list and appropriate fee should then be forwarded.

Note: For the purpose of establishing country status, the ARRL DXCC list is determinant.

For further details on application and contact address of the Awards Manager, please see the How to Apply page.

Download the Award Application form here; download the Callsign List here.

The cost of this award is:

UK £6: cash, cheque, or PayPal
US $10: cash or PayPal
10 Euro: cash or PayPal

If QSL cards need to be returned, please check with the BARTG Awards Manager for return cost before sending. Make cheques payable to BARTG.
Latest Awards and updates

Award #CallsignName
70AB3S David
71K0ABC Mark
72K8TOM William
73N7QU George
74E78CB Srdjan
76KI3F Dennis
77ON7DC Tom
79KA1PPV Joseph
80KD8JSP John Paul
81DL0HV Clubstation DOK H13
82F-16527 (SWL)Bernard
83UA1ZKIДмитрий ИноземцевDimitry

You can get a full listing of all awardholders by downloading here. This list is awating an update.