This award is available to licensed amateurs and SWLs on the submission of satisfactory proof of having heard / worked amateur radio stations in the South American continent using a data mode.
The award is available in three classes as follows:
Class 1: confirmed worked/heard 24 DXCC countries in the continent of South America
Class 2: confirmed worked/heard 18 DXCC countries in the continent of South America
Class 3: confirmed worked/heard 12 DXCC countries in the continent of South America
Stations can enter at any class, and can update to a higher class at a later date if entering at Class 2 or 3.
The following endorsements are available:
Mixed Bands or Single Bands, eg All 20m
Mixed Data Modes or Single Mode, eg All RTTY
Mode endorsements. Currently, all RTTY, or all PSK31
If a station is awarded a certificate, for example, Class 3 with all contacts on 20m RTTY, then any additional contacts submitted for the higher classes must be on the same band and / or mode. The only exceptions will be mixed band and / or mode certificates.
On a successful application, stations will receive with their certificate the appropriate Class, Band and Mode stickers.
On a subsequent update only the appropriate new Class sticker will be received.
Contacts on all nine HF bands are eligible.
Applications for this award may be made by any of the following methods:
Submission of QSL cards for the countries being claimed. These are returned after checking. Alternatively, photocopies of these QSL cards are acceptable. Such copies must clearly show both sides if applicable, both callsigns, and establish beyond any doubt that a two way data contact took place.
Submission of a check-list containing the log extracts for the countries being claimed. Check-list should include date, time, band, callsign worked, mode, RST etc. This check-list and the corresponding QSL cards should be examined by the Awards Manager of a national radio society, or by TWO officers of a recognised radio club/society. The signed check-list and appropriate fee should then be forwarded.
Claims can also be accepted based on contest log(s) submitted for any BARTG contest. The claim must be made within 5 years of the first contest log submission, and for all QSOs claimed, you must have submitted a contest or check log at the appropriate time for that contest.
Note: For the purpose of establishing country status, and in which continent that country lies, refer to the ARRL DXCC list.
For further details on application and contact address of the Awards Manager, please see the How to Apply page.
Download the Award Application form here; download the Callsign List here.
The cost of this award is:
UK £6: cash, cheque, or PayPal
US $10: cash or PayPal
10 Euro: cash or PayPal
The cost of each update sticker is:
UK £1.00: cash, cheque, or PayPal
US $1.00: cash or PayPal
1.00 Euro: cash or PayPal
If QSL cards need to be returned, please check with the BARTG Awards Manager for return cost before sending. Please make cheques payable to BARTG.
Latest Awards and updates
Award # | Callsign | Name | Class |
1 | GW4SKA | John | 2 |
2 | G0ARF | Bob | 1 |
3 | SV1XV | Costas | 3 |
4 | G4TGK | John | 2 |
5 | PA3EBP | Guus | 3 |
6 | JA1CKE | Yukio | 3 |
7 | AI8P | Dennis | 3 |
8 | WA3FRP | Russ | 1 |
9 | HZ1PS | Peter | 3 |
10 | G8APB | Chris | 2 |
11 | F-16527 (SWL) | Bernard | 1 |
12 | G8GNI/M5AEX | Andrew | 3 |
You can get a full listing of all awardholders by downloading here. Updated 3rd Sept 2018