Major changes to BARTG

BARTG recently made some fundamental changes to the way it operates, which we hope will bring some exciting changes to the RTTY contesting world.

1) The post of BARTG Contest Manager has been replaced with a Contests/DX/Software Sub-group, consisting of Phil, GU0SUP and Ian, GM4KLN, assisted by John, GW4SKA and Arf, G1XKZ. Thanks are due to John, our BARTG President, for 20 years plus of excellent service to the contesting world, and for initiating many of the rules, concepts and so on that other contests have now also adopted. John’s vast knowledge and experience is still available to us as he is remaining within the Sub-group,but his work-load will be reduced

2) The same applies to the post of Awards Manager. This has been replaced with an Awards/QSLs Sub-group, consisting of Phil, GU0SUP and Andrew, M5AEX, assisted by Arf, G1XKZ. Phil has also given years of service to the Awards scheme, but now, assisted by Andrew and Arf, we hope to launch some new designs and a more exciting range in the near future

3) The rules of the existing BARTG HF and BARTG Sprint will be re-written to remove current ambiguities, clarify and update

4) An additional contest – the Sprint75, will be introduced after it’s successful pilot this year

5) New software is being developed that will allow quicker, easier log submission, accommodating a wider range of log formats consistent with the revised rules. Final adjudication will still be done by a human being!

Please bear with us while we implement these major changes, and feel free to join us at : donations always welcome!

Please note: we are also in the process of updating our highly successful awards: why not check those out too. We hope soon to be able to automatically notify contesters whether they qualify for any of our awards shortly after each of our contests.

best 73

Roger, G3LDI BARTG Chairman

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