Welcome to BARTG, the British Amateur Radio Teledata Group. BARTG was founded in 1959 with the aim of promoting the use of teleprinters (RTTY) within amateur radio. Our Diamond Jubilee year ran from 1st July 2019 to 30th June 2020.
Amateur radio has changed a lot since 1959. RTTY is now only one mode (albeit a distinguished and prominent one) in the gamut of datacoms modes in use in amateur radio.
BARTG’s main activities these days are its contests, its awards and sponsorship of DX-peditions that meet its sponsorship criteria.
All data modes are encouraged, but the main ones in use are RTTY and PSK. The JT modes have become extremely popular in the last couple of years too, especially FT8.
BARTG run four contests per annum. The Sprint is a 24 hour period test and the HF is the major 48 hour event of the year. There is one four-hour 75 Baud contest, held in April. The final contest is a four-hour Sprint PSK63 that is held in September. Our Contest Manager is Ian G0FCT.
We run an awards scheme open to both licensed amateurs and listeners.
Our Web-master is Mark Taylor G0LGJ so any input, suggestions and so on can be sent to Mark.
Page updated on Tuesday 4th October 2022 by G0FCT